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bh global marine LIMITED
Interested Person Transactions
The Company has set out the procedures for review and approval of the Company’s interested person transactions.
Disclosure according to Rule 907 of the SGX-ST Listing Manual in respect of interested person transactions for the fnancial year
ended 31 December 2012 is stated in the table below:
Name of Interested Persons
Aggregate value of all interested person
transactions during the fnancial year under
review (excluding transactions less than
S$100,000 and transactions conducted
under shareholders’ mandate pursuant to
Rule 920 of the Listing Manual)
Aggregate value of all interested
person transactions conducted under a
shareholders’ mandate pursuant to Rule
920 (excluding transactions less than
Techace Innovation Pte Ltd
Provision of information
technology services
Rajah & Tann LLP
Provision of legal services
(1) a subsidiary of the controlling shareholder of the Company, Beng Hui Holding (S) Pte Ltd, in which the Directors, Messrs Alvin
Lim Hwee Hong, Vincent Lim Hui Eng and Patrick Lim Hui Peng together with their family members held an aggregate interest of
(2) a frm in which the Director, Mr Winston Kwek Choon Lin is a partner.
The Audit Committee and the Board of Directors have reviewed the transactions and were satisfed that the terms were fair and
reasonable and were not prejudicial to the interests of the Company and its minority shareholders.
Material Contracts
Save for the service contracts entered into between the Executive Directors and the Company and the service agreements with
Techace Innovation Pte Ltd and Messrs Rajah & Tann LLP as disclosed in this report, there were no other material contracts
entered into by the Company or its subsidiaries, involving the interests of the CEO or any director or controlling shareholder either
subsisting at the end of the fnancial year or if not then subsisting, which were entered into since the end of the previous fnancial